La Yegros’ new tour to present her latest album, ‘Suelta’, will be in September and October and for the moment it will go through the Millo Verde festival in Redondela (Pontevedra), Mallorca and at the Apolo hall in Barcelona.
Mariana Yegros returns to Spain with three confirmed dates, at the moment, and that are part of his international tour to present ‘Suelta’, his most recent album . The first date will be at the Galician festival Millo Verde September 18th. On October 2, the artist will make a stop with her band in Mallorca. The next day, La Yegros’ appointment with his faithful audience in Barcelona will be at Sala Apolo where he will bring the most energetic roots sounds from his latest work and other famous themes from his intense musical career.

‘Suelta’ was published last 2019 but with the pandemic he had to move many of his presentation dates for the new album to this year. The album “is a spicy collision of traditions, tropical electro, and dancehall and raga upheavals. Bella turns out the acoustic version of the piece When “, according to the prestigious journalist Javier Losilla .
Sound claim on the La Yegros Tour
The album contains a powerful sound, colorist, cultural and feminist claim: in Mariana’s music, root sounds are once again the protagonists compared to electronics. “There are so many other things beyond beauty… Today in my country we live in a very chaotic and unfortunate situation, but the artist finds music in that pain. From non-beauty we can continue to claim where we come from ”, La Yegros affirmed, a few months ago, to Mondo Sonoro.
In ‘Suelta’, La Yegros has returned to work with Daniel Martin , the composer after ‘ Come from me ‘, his first hit, which is still moving the dance floors of half the world. Also, renews his contract for this album, the Argentine producer, King coya (Gaby Kerpel). Mariana’s companion since the beginning, he has contributed to define the electropical line ‘from the music of La Yegros.
We also see the arrival and collaboration of two luxury guests. On the one hand, Eduardo Cabra ‘Visitor’ , half of duo Calle 13 and winner of two dozen Grammy Awards. “Eduardo gave him a total claw. He is a very humble person and he showed me that we could go one way or another without fear, “said Mariana in relation to the work done with the Puerto Rican musician.
The second new addition for this album and that has been essential, is that of the Dutch Jori collington , responsible for the global beat bombings of Skip & Die.
With ‘Suelta’, La Yegros ratifies the title of being “queen of the folklore of the Argentine coast”. On his last successful tour in 2019 in Spain, The Yegros passed through: Granada, Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Donostia.